Shrubbish for Beginners
freem: American nirvana
prysfreem: shit that happens to other people
rack: a place full of brown people and black gold
racky: probably a bad person
sumbinlahn: a mythical creature of no interest
stamsane: definitely a bad person
stemmerlen: a day that will live in infamy
turrsts: bad people
turrzim: bad things
warn tear: not a quagmire, no sirree
S'dam 'sein.
Aaaahhhhhh. I get it now. Sorry, must not have had enough coffee.
Ahh, coffee. Just think, if it hadn'a been for those damn Ayrabs, good Republicans would have no coffee.
And isn't it ironic that while Islam forbids its consumption, it's Arabic that gives us the word "alcohol"?
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