Thursday, April 26, 2007


We didn't choose Simba when we went to the SPCA to find a cat, he chose us.

14 November 2004

22 January 2005

16 March 2005

18 June 2005

27 October 2005

27 November 2005

15 November 2006

This morning, some time between 8:15 and 9:00, he was hit by a car on the main road. Mercifully, all appearances are he died instantly. A neighbour found him placed on the side of the road, another neighbour ran down to the road still in her night attire and robe and carried him home, then they phoned us at work. We came home to bring him inside, and wrapped him in the blanket his "big sister" made him. Tonight, our neighbours gave us flowers.

We are shattered. The kids are devastated.



At 3:45 am, Blogger Anntichrist S. Coulter said...


Dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit dammit!!!!

I still have the picture you sent me of Simba, "Simblob" --- such a gregarious, loving, beautiful cat.

I am so so sorry, hon. So sorry. Wish I could turn back time and give you your hairy son back.

Please let me know if there's anything that I can do to help.

At 12:28 pm, Blogger tigtog said...

Oh fuck it. I'm so sorry. Simba looks so beautiful.

At 4:24 pm, Blogger Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

My favorite pictures are the one that you sent me (up on my blog now), the baby-kitten-in-the-couch photo, and the one of y'all taking a nap together on the couch.

He was a beautiful creature, and y'all were so lucky to have found each other.

At 8:21 am, Blogger Mentis Fugit said...

Thanks to both of you.

Die Kleine Tochter is still in tears, though she slept better last night.

We may be going to the SPCA again soon.

At 2:27 pm, Blogger Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

There's an adorable little black boy cat recovering from anaesthesia hangover in a carrier in the back of my truck, if you'd like him shipped. Really sweet little boy. Hate to turn him loose in the morning.

At 3:21 am, Blogger Old Dominion Blue said...

Aw shit, Mentis, I am so sorry to hear about this. He certainly was a beauty, and those gingers (as we redheads know) are the most loving of their kind, especially the boys.

Cats and cars, never a good combinations.


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