Victory was certain...
...once Obama had the feline vote sewn up.

Congratulations on starting the long, slow journey back to civilization.
This weekend, I too will be heading to the polls. Because we operate a three year cycle, and the election date normally falls around this time of year, every twelve years New Zealand's general election will be within a week or three of the US presidential elections.
Some time on Saturday, I will take the Easy Vote card I received in the mail a week or so back to a convenient polling station and exchange it for a piece of paper on which I will make two ticks with an orange felt tip marker - one for a candidate, and one for a party.
My son got his letter from the electoral commission after he turned 17, inviting him to register on the roll so that he will be eligible to vote from his 18th birthday. It all works very smoothly; no mess, no fuss, and no fraud.
A final thought: has Karl Rove's strategy for a
- 2008 - Obama
2012 - Obama
2016 - Clinton
2020 - Clinton - 2008 - Obama
2012 - Clinton
2016 - Obama
2020 - Clinton - 2008 - Obama
2012 - Clinton
2016 - Clinton
2020 - Obama