Thursday, July 28, 2005

Shrubbish for Beginners

freem: American nirvana
prysfreem: shit that happens to other people
rack: a place full of brown people and black gold
racky: probably a bad person
sumbinlahn: a mythical creature of no interest
stamsane: definitely a bad person
stemmerlen: a day that will live in infamy
turrsts: bad people
turrzim: bad things
warn tear: not a quagmire, no sirree

Friday, July 08, 2005

Parliament today

Monday, July 04, 2005

Random synaptic discharge

Let me see if I get this right: putting "R" after a politician's name in the US indicates that they are Republican. Seems simple enough.

In the Royal Navy of yore (specifically 18th/19th Century) placing "R" after a man's name meant that he had "run", or deserted.

Oh this is too easy!