Sunday, May 06, 2007

History Repeating

Customarily, history is supposed to play the first time as tragedy, and the second time as farce. In these confused times, should we be so surprised when the order gets reversed?

Let's start with a headline, 100% accurate in every detail - just slightly tuned for purposes of ironic obfuscation.

Decorated Texas Vet Presents George With A Purple Heart

Believe it or not, I'm not talking about this laughable, yet also a little sad, piece nonsense from a couple of weeks ago.

WASHINGTON – Bill and Georgia Thomas reported they were elated Monday when they met in the Oval Office with President George W. Bush to present him with a Purple Heart.
Read the rest if you haven't just eaten
No, this is the story here:

Hero Jack Russell to receive Purple Heart
By JAYNE HULBERT - Taranaki Daily News Saturday, 5 May 2007

Hero-dog George has touched plenty of hearts - now he's being honoured with a Purple Heart.

American war veteran Jerrell Hudman was so moved by the Jack Russell's story of sacrifice that he is sending George his Purple Heart medal.

Last weekend George gave his life in saving a group of Manaia children facing attack from vicious pitbulls. The plucky pooch put himself between the dogs and the children and, in the end, it was George the pitbulls savaged.

His injuries were so bad George was later put down by a vet.


George's picture now graces the wall in the Hudmans' computer room, next to a photo of one of their sons - they have two and both have been Marines - taken during his tour of duty in Iraq.

Mr Hudman says the dog-loving couple immediately decided George's memory deserved the medal, awarded to him in Vietnam in 1967 for being wounded in combat.

"I was with the Ninth Marines and we were up by Kontum and a mortar round came in and and landed in a hole where myself and some other Marines were. I was one of the lucky ones who survived."

The Purple Heart is one of three he received in Vietnam and it will arrive in Manaia by post within the next few weeks.
Read the rest

Yes, a dog deserves a medal more than the President of the United States.

Very Important Disclaimer: I know nothing of the Hudmans' political feelings or inclinations and I do not seek to represent their actions as constituting a statement of any kind other than of respect for George the Jack Russell. An overwhelming ironic coincidence is still just a coincidence.


At 3:04 pm, Blogger Anntichrist S. Coulter said...

That little dog had more courage and character in his little body than anybody in the current Murkin regime has ever even WITNESSED.

I can't even begin to imagine what would cause that other couple to defile a Purple Heart by placing it in the shit-and-blood-stained paws of Dumbya, but, as they say, or as the now-myth goes, "it's a free country." That's what they print on the tourist t-shirts, anyway.

Jack Russell George obviously had more IQ points than the Thomases and Dumbya combined. Bless his huge furry heart.


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